God-fearing patriots from every walk of life and every corner of America are answering the call to run for office and take back our country.

Congressman August Pfluger’s Raptor PAC is fighting to provide these outstanding conservative candidates with the air support they need to win in November and help us take back Congress.

We’re committed to bringing the fight to places the GOP never should have lost – and breaking ground in parts of the country that are turning red for the first time. Together, we will put an end to the Biden/Pelosi agenda, stop skyrocketing inflation, stand with our law enforcement, and end the flood of illegal immigrants crossing our border once and for all.


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Colonel August Pfluger has dedicated his life to defending the United States from those who would do us harm – from his days as an elite F-22 Raptor fighter pilot flying combat missions against ISIS, to his service on the National Security Council as an advisor to President Donald Trump. August Pfluger believes our nation is worth defending…and as our trusted U.S. Congressman, he’ll stand up to the socialists and liberal elites in Washington DC.

August is a conservative Republican, a proud husband and father, and a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. He met his wife, Camille (also a native Texan) at his family ranch in October 2000. They have three young daughters, Vivian, Caroline, and Juliana.

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